torsdag 16. januar 2014

Så kom vinteren - Then the winter came

 Så kom vinteren!
 Minus3 grader C.

Then the winter came.
Minus 3 degrees C.

Noen dager senere:
But some days later:

pluss 2 grader C.
2 degrees over zero.

Winter here in the south of Norway.
It's snowing one day and the next it is raining.
Today it is raining horisontally and it is stormy!
Picture taken through the window with my mobile.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hello Gisles,
    Not a good winter in the south of France either!
    So difficult to ta take decent and interesting photos!!
    I thought it was really colder in Norway these days!! ;-)
    Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Thanks!
    The winter was colder when I was a child. Now its raining again! I fear it is the greenhouse effekt.
